Archive Veranstaltungen

Stumbling Toward Ecstasy: Queer and (Trans)feminist Methods in the Study of Religion

Aula der Alten Uni­ver­sität Lah­n­tor 3, Mar­burg, Deutsch­land

This lec­ture offers a post­struc­tural­ist and psy­cho­an­a­lyt­ic cri­tique of the accu­sa­tion of con­fes­sion­al­ism, weav­ing religo­nists’ valu­able skills of empa­thet­ic under­stand­ing togeth­er with trans/queer/feminist schol­ars’ insis­tence on the locat­ed­ness of knowl­edge and on reflex­ive and embod­ied research meth­ods in order to con­tin­ue my cur­rent efforts to stum­ble halt­ing­ly toward an ecsta­t­ic method in the study of […]

Sitzung des Arbeitskreises für Mittelbau (AKM)

Die Ver­anstal­tung find­et online über Zoom statt

Nutzen Sie fol­gende Zugangs­dat­en, um an der Sitzung teilzunehmen: Link: Meet­ing-ID: 678 112 1795 Pass­wort: 790192

Theory Workshop 2024 “Nation and Religion”

Albert-Lud­wigs-Uni­ver­si­ty Fah­nen­berg­platz, Freiburg im Breis­gau, Deutsch­land

Var­i­ous the­o­ries and the­o­ret­i­cal debates in Asian stud­ies on these top­ics will be pre­sent­ed and dis­cussed in groups with work­shop lead­ers Prof. Dr. Mar­ti­na Pad­man­ab­han, Prof. Dr. Judith Schle­he, Dr. Hen­drik Johan­nes­man, Dr. Yas­min Kop­pen, Richard Takhun, and Josko Koz­ic. Prof. Dr. Jörg Plassen ini­ti­ates the work­shop with a keynote speech on the use of philo­log­i­cal meth­ods to […]


History and the Secular

LMU-Haupt­ge­bäude, Raum A 120 Geschwis­ter-Scholl-Platz 1, München, Deutsch­land

What is the his­to­ry of the sec­u­lar? The ques­tion is hard to answer, not least because his­to­ry and the sec­u­lar coor­di­nate in such a con­fus­ing fash­ion. His­to­ry often seems to be an effect of the sec­u­lar: once sec­u­lar, we will aban­don final­ly God’s time for human time.