Archive Veranstaltungen

Churches and Religion in the Cold War: International — Local

Salzburg Salzburg, Öster­re­ich

The inter­ac­tions between pol­i­tics and reli­gion dur­ing the Cold War have pro­found his­tor­i­cal, social and the­o­log­i­cal impli­ca­tions. This era, dynam­ic on many lev­els, not only influ­enced geopo­lit­i­cal rela­tions, but also shaped the devel­op­ment of church­es and oth­er reli­gious­ly deter­mined enti­ties on a glob­al, but above all on a local lev­el. ReCoNet (“Reli­gion and Cold War […]

Call for Papers: Beyond Play: The Transformative Power of Digital Gaming in a Deeply Mediatized Society

Uni­ver­sität Bre­men ZeM­KI, Cen­tre for Media, Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Infor­ma­tion Research Linz­er Str. 4, Bre­men, Deutsch­land

Die Ein­re­ichungs­dead­line für Paper, Pan­els, Round­ta­bles und Poster wurde auf den 30. Juni ver­längert. Abstracts (350–500 words) for all for­mats should be sub­mit­ted by email as an anonymized pdf-file no lat­er than 30.06.2024 to

Schuld und Völkermord

Die Ver­anstal­tung find­et online über Zoom statt

Anmel­dung und Bestä­ti­gung der Teil­nahme ist erforder­lich.

Call for Papers: International Conference “Unexpected Travelling Concepts”

Hof van Liere at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Antwerp Prinsstraat 13a, Antwerp, Bel­gien

The con­fer­ence sets out to explore unex­pect­ed “trav­el­ling con­cepts”, more specif­i­cal­ly ideas and rites between mod­erns and ancients, or between cul­tures, which could be con­sid­ered atyp­i­cal or unex­pect­ed. Dead­line sub­mis­sions of abstracts (ca. 200 words): July 15th, 2024. Deci­sion: July 22nd, 2024.