Archive Veranstaltungen


History and the Secular

LMU-Haupt­ge­bäude, Raum A 120 Geschwis­ter-Scholl-Platz 1, München

What is the his­to­ry of the sec­u­lar? The ques­tion is hard to answer, not least because his­to­ry and the sec­u­lar coor­di­nate in such a con­fus­ing fash­ion. His­to­ry often seems to […]

History and the Secular

LMU München Geschwis­ter-Scholl-Platz 1, A 120, München

Reli­gion has always had its own ver­sions of his­to­ry and the sec­u­lar, which con­tin­ue to cir­cu­late and com­pete with “sec­u­lar” ver­sions of the same. Aban­don­ing God’s time for human time […]